
If you follow me on Instagram or this here bloggy thing, you likely know I’m proud to be a (self-proclaimed) mountain mama.

Playing outside and exposing my wild child to the places I love (rivers, mountains, canyons…) makes the smiles happen – even when he’s melting down or asking for another snack or filling up another diaper or…you get the picture.

Well, this mountain mama is awaiting another wild child – this time, a baby girl. I’m 40 weeks and 1 day into this journey and the whole pack is ready for this little one to present herself to the outside world. But, until then, we wait. We wait (im)patiently

And while we wait, we keep playing.

To those soon-to-be or long-time mamas of the world: I hope you, too, keep playing and keep getting out there. It’s SO important to get out and breathe the fresh air, soak up the mid-day sun or whatever it is you love to do outside.

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